Last week I vended at Last Thursdays with my sister. It was the first time I had sold my fabric bows, leather flowers, and the new line of cutesy jewelry. Things went really well down there and I was stoked to have sold so many of my bows and new items. A lot of friends came by and visited me too, which is great since I haven't been able to spend time with anyone in a while. A photographer even came by and took this picture of our table.
Check out Velour Photography's work here:
The bows did really well on Alberta and I sold a lot at mom's store, Found on Fremont, so I have been cranking out bows to sell on etsy, Alberta, and in the store. I love making them too because sewing is such a great activity to do while watching movies and relaxing. :) This is the latest batch of bows!
I also haven't shared my new business cards on here yet! I ordered these from a great little company called 'Playing with Paper.' She custom made them for me, which my mom picked out the style. Of course, she had throw a crown on there somewhere due to my Rose Festival Princess ties. But, I really like the circle and ruffled shape. Super unique and at a great price for business cards.
Anyway, I'll try to post some of my newer creations soon. I have a couple new projects in the works that I can't wait to share when they're finished. :)