Hard to believe it's been more than two months since I was in the office. The adjustment of working from home and being in quarantine for this long has been an emotional rollercoaster. I tend to value myself based on productivity/actions, so with nothing but time, I began quarantine frantically trying to get as much done as I could. I think I honestly thought things would go back to normal shortly. I'm now in a more relaxed mood, and finally realizing that things aren't going back to the old routine for quite a while - and that maybe its not a bad thing. I'm getting things done I've been procrastinating for years and going back to old hobbies that are fulfilling me just as much as they did when I was younger. I'm also working harder to stay connected with friends because the skill of socializing is something I gained with practice and its far too easy to go back to my naturally introverted ways.
I'm also happy to report that my volunteer affiliations have transitioned to some virtual efforts. I was on two panels for NSBE outreach (with more events scheduled in the next few weeks - follow @nspbepropdx), been hosting semi weekly virtual check in meetings with the City African American Network, and completed a shoebox float for Good n' the Hood's participation in the Portland Rose Festival's
Grand Petite Parade. There is so much creativity in how folks are staying connected during this time and I'm so impressed with everyone - no matter the situation, we still continue to provide outlets for the community.
I've completed a slough of projects around the house, crafted a lot, and implemented some changes to my diet / health. Some of my projects included:
- Started my garden / had extreme trimming done on my trees
- Started running - I can now run 5 miles and have been running a few times a week
- Organized my garage / art room
- Ramped up online sales with ebay, etsy, etc.
- CRAFTING - jewelry with mom, virtual crafternoon with my engineering ladies from work, paint night with my guy, and lots of weaving on my own
- Lots of cooking - bulgogi, smothered pork chops, almond flour pizzas, etc.
- Started and ended a keto diet - lost most of the quarantine weight I gained in the first month and am now actively watching carb/sugar intake
- Removing old carpet / painting my guy's attic room, so he could lay laminate - looks great!
- Painted my room and replaced/stained new baseboards/crown molding
- Scheduled new windows to be installed next month
- Read over 10 books since quarantine began
- Intentional connection with friends - Zoom, Skype, Teams, etc.
- Finished a puzzle
- Reupholstered my mid century dining table chairs
- Started playing the piano again - remastering old pieces and am continuing to be amazed with how reliable my muscle memory is
- Oh, and my dearest cat Ludwig now has an instagram, ha! @acatnamedludwig
While I really want to get back to the office and my usual pace with work, I am beginning to appreciate the newfound balance and forced reset in how I spend my time. Goals I hoped to accomplish the year are likely delayed. Travels I planned are definitely delayed. But - all in all, I feel incredibly lucky to work from home and have my family in good health during this time. :)
My latest woven piece - tried to step outside of my comfort zone with some color! |
The Good n' The Hood shoebox float I worked on with my fellow parade co-chair |
Rocky the Cat showing his favorite pose by my puzzle - he gets excited when packages are delivered! |
Some bottle cap collage magnets I made. I used to make these when I was about 11 years old :) |
Easter/Mother's Day and lots of birthdays via quarantine. This bouquet
shows how well the garden has been blossoming |
Go you! Nice job getting things done and making the best out of quarantine.