Feel like I'm always apologizing for not blogging enough here. I just wanted to let everyone know what I've been up to this summer. I have been working most of the summer, but during my free time I have been spending a lot of time at 'Found on Fremont.' Having my own space requires a lot of time making and buying things to keep it new and fresh. Yesterday was the Fremont Festival, so I took some time to help out the other vendors with our outdoor display. It was probably one of the busiest days I've seen at the store, and I was glad Portland's hottest summer day wasn't keeping people from shopping!
Here is one of Found's outdoor displays from the Fremont Fest- a summer table filled with pyrex!
Speaking of shopping for the store. Here are some of my favorite finds from over the past few months. I absolutely loved theses two items. They're just so kitschy and fun! :) Almost kept both of them.
This hilarious 'God Bless This Lousy Trailer Plate' made me laugh so much! Such a fun piece. The bedazzled Virgin Mary is actually a shirt with the icon printed entirely over the shirt. I wore it a few times to school and let's just say it was quite the conversation piece at my Catholic private college. ;)
I've also been spending some time in the studio working on various projects. I'm going to post some of my new jewelry pieces once I get a whole collection ready to sell. My latest project is getting back into painting. I finished my first painting of the summer last week! I'm not a pro and I definitely need to practice more, but I'm glad I was able to blend my paints together more than I usually do. Hope I'll get to make another painting before my summer ends! I want to try a self portrait or still life of some sort.
So, in this long novel and picture fiasco of a post I think I've covered almost everything I've been working on in these summer months. Because I've been working on the Found on Fremont blog, I'm going to try and keep this blog updated as well. More pictures of new jewelry and some of mom's new work will be uploaded soon! :)