Monday, August 8, 2011

Website Updates and Attempts at Publicity!

I'm trying to make things more public with the website and the blog. I feel like blogging is probably my favorite part of '' I only wish I knew more people were looking at it! Hence, I'm going to advertise to an internet crowd - a.k.a my facebook friends. We'll see how it goes, but I'm hoping to bring some traffic to the site and blog.

I haven't been working in the studio as much as I should, but I've been working on the site sporadically. Today, I officially removed the 'Website Under Construction' heading from the site home page. That alone feels like an accomplishment! I think the site is as finished as my basic html skills will allow, but I'm going to extend the store into an etsy store as well, which will be my next big project. 

*Also, please note this fantastically bizarre picture of a sleeping girl with a third eye! It amuses me, so I'm sharing it. :)

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